Are you too proud to hire help?

Catalina Park
4 min readApr 7, 2023


A little girl being very confused

Recently, I had a powerful conversation with a new client that I want to share with you. It’s about how Grace (not her real name) gained a profound insight and had the most significant ‘aha moment’ she’s ever had. By the end of it, she asked me how to get started, but let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy ask for her.

Hint: be willing to have those uncomfortable conversations! That’s where breakthroughs happen!

Follow along and see where you get stuck. This scenario might bring you new realizations that can move your business forward.

Grace and I started conversing, and I asked her the usual questions I begin with on every call. I asked her about who she was, what her goals were, what got her started, and so on.

The conversation seemed easy, and she knew herself very well. Like any normal conversation, it started with surface answers, but within 15 minutes, tears were shed, and breakthroughs were happening.

As I do with every call, we started going deeper and unpacking what kept her from having the thriving business she wanted when she began her dream of being a successful coach.

She listed all the obvious reasons, such as having no clients, not knowing how to market herself, not having her avatar and offer dialed in, being afraid of making mistakes, and many other things. Yet none of those had any emotional implications.

Then she hit a big wall when I asked her: “What have you tried before, and who have you worked with before having the conversation with me?”

A minute passed by, and she seemed caught off-guard by the question. I’d never witnessed this reaction before, but I held the space for her to search within herself for the needed answers.

As she started speaking, the first word she said was “nobody.”

That’s when I understood the reaction. As I saw her need for more profound answers for herself, we dove into the answer she gave me by asking her to tell me more about it.

Grace took a few moments to go deep within herself and explore where that answer came from. She uncovered a deep-seated belief that had held her back from hiring the right mentor.

That’s when tears started rolling down her face, and I watched her eyes move as she recalled several events in her life. Her facial expression hinted she had found answers that reached her to her core. This discovery was a home run!

This is the true power of holding a safe space of inquiry for someone. Change happens when there is trust between two people and no fear of judgment.

In case you’re wondering, she shared the backstory of being shamed for not being able to cook by herself at an early age by her mom. She was told she couldn’t do anything on her own and that she would always be at the mercy of others.

So she vowed never to ask for help and kept that promise for many years, even if this caused her a lot of struggle and anguish. This belief, however, wasn’t a rational thought but a way of being she was accustomed to. She wasn’t even aware she was doing it.

Unfortunately, even though they may sound ridiculous now as an adult, the beliefs that get imprinted early on still affect us and our decision-making process as adults.

They could continue to rule your life indefinitely if left uninvestigated and uninterrupted.

Take this story and use it to your advantage.

Meditate on this question. You might be surprised by what shows up.

What story do you have that keeps you from asking for and hiring the right help for your success?

Be willing to allow what needs to come up to the surface without judgment. If you have difficulty figuring it out independently, seek a coach or a mentor.

I know that having the right help was what I needed to overcome many challenges, including overcoming anxiety, getting over a failed marriage, and building two successful businesses.

I was that person that thought I could do it all on my own, and I even got shamed for asking for help. But despite all that, I came to my senses; I listened to my intuition and hired the right person, followed their advice, and came out stronger way faster and with more ease than I could’ve ever done on my own.

Don’t be a slave to your limitations, whether they’re your thoughts or your emotions. Choose what’s in your best interest! You deserve to be successful and prosperous!

So put your pride aside and ask yourself, “What help do I need to get to where I want to go, and who can help me with that?”

Then go ahead, hire them, and become the best version of yourself!

I hope this story has given you a little encouragement to seek help! There’s nothing to be ashamed of in asking for help. On the contrary! The most successful ask for help as a way to shortcut their way to their biggest accomplishments.

It’s your turn!



Catalina Park
Catalina Park

Written by Catalina Park

Money Mindset Coach & Author | Creator of "The Successful Coach Planner" - helping coaches become successful in business

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