Life Coaching Lessons — ‘YOU Have To Do The Work’

Catalina Park
3 min readAug 17, 2024


“You can’t pay someone else to do your pushups for you.” — Jim Rohn

If someone were to ask me about the most significant lesson I’ve learned in coaching, it would be exactly what I’m about to share with you today.

As human beings, we naturally gravitate toward shortcuts, believing they’re the quickest route to success. We search for the latest trick that promises to solve all our problems with a wave of a magic wand.

Unfortunately, in the coaching space, this mindset often leads people to believe they don’t have what it takes to succeed. It reinforces limiting beliefs and leaves them feeling as if something is fundamentally wrong with them. “They promised it would work with minimal effort,” they think. “Why isn’t it working for me?”

So, let me ask you this: Are you constantly searching for the solution?

If so, you risk becoming the target of marketing experts who thrive on this very behavior. You’ll find yourself chasing shiny objects, never sticking with a program long enough to see real results.

I want to be clear — I’m not against selling. In fact, I believe it’s a vital part of business. What troubles me are the false promises that mislead people who may not fully understand what it truly takes to achieve long-term success. This frustrates me because I, too, have fallen for these schemes. Moreover, it creates resistance and skepticism towards those who offer genuine solutions.

I’m not saying there aren’t more efficient ways to achieve success. However, after years of helping coaches elevate their mindsets to consistently generate income, I’ve learned that you can’t slap a Band-Aid on a deep wound and expect it to heal.

I appreciate shortcuts, but only when they’re developed through years of experience, pattern recognition, and proven success. These aren’t just catchy phrases designed to lure coaches into spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on empty promises. They are tried-and-true methods that withstand the test of time.

Here’s my point: Do your due diligence. Seek out professionals with a solid track record, and ensure their promises are supported by real results they’ve helped others achieve.

Once you’ve done that, consider these three questions before purchasing another program:

  1. Why am I buying this?
  2. What do I hope it will provide?
  3. How committed am I to putting in the work required to achieve the results I desire?

If you find yourself buying course after course without completing any, take a moment to reflect. What are you trying to avoid or bypass? Let me assure you — you will never find a program that does the work for you.

However, if you answered ‘yes’ to the third question, then you are on your way to achieving more success than you ever thought possible.

If you’re seeking a program that will guide you step-by-step to becoming a successful and prosperous coach, reach out to me at Message me with the title ‘1K Today’ to learn more about the 30-day program that can revolutionize your coaching practice. This program is currently available by invitation only, so be sure to secure your spot today.



Catalina Park
Catalina Park

Written by Catalina Park

Money Mindset Coach & Author | Creator of "The Successful Coach Planner" - helping coaches become successful in business

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